There are other holistic, complementary therapy disciplines which may be incorporated into the workplace, retail or other public environments. Here we review some of these as well as show some of the research resources available, as well as comment from the press.

Reflexology and acupressure techniques can be used unobtrusively in the office or workplace. Reflexology is a technique of applying pressure to specific points on the feet, hands and ears to help promote relaxation and to improve health. You could simply use a foot roller to access these points. Acupressure is a similar technique to reflexology. Applying pressure to different parts of the body thereby affecting other areas of the body. For example for headache relief, press the point in the web of flash between thumb and forefinger.
Bach flower remedies are an unconventional therapy using flower-based remedies. Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician believed that negative thoughts and emotions predispose people to illness and create roadblocks to healing. He identified 38 healing plants, which corresponded to his classification of negative human emotions. Probably the best known is the Rescue Remedy, which is composed of five of the 38 remedies. It is mainly used for treating the emotional effects of sudden trauma, as well as episodes of panic, anxiety or dread.
Offer fresh juice or herbal teas instead of coffee or black tea. Cantaloupe juice can help digestive upset because it contains the largest amount of digestive enzymes of any fruit, surpassing papaya and mangoes. It is high in provitamin A and vitamin C, as well as myoinositol, a lipid that relieves anxiety and insomnia. Historically, the ancient Greeks relied on celery for headaches.
The sodium-potassium balance helps alleviate muscle cramping and fatigue. At the same time, celery-apple juice relieves anxiety and stress and it can also help with insomnia. Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm are helpful in relieving upset stomachs as well as calming frazzled nerves. Lemon balm and peppermint can be used for headaches.
The new field of psychoneurommunology is the study of complex hormonal, neurological and immunological functions that link emotions and health are finding that emotions may indeed influence physical well being. Dr. Edward Bach wrote, "Thus, behind all disease lie our fears, our anxieties, our greed, our likes and dislikes. Let us seek these out and heal them, and with the healing of them will go the disease from which we suffer."
Other techniques that could be used at home as well as, in some cases, the office to help combat job stress would be massage, yoga or natural herbal sleep aids.
Massage has many beneficial effects physically as well as mentally. It can help relax and stretch tight muscles, improve circulation, free trapped nerves, thereby helping to relieve pain.
The regular practice of yoga increases fitness, but is also an excellent way of reducing stress and improving concentration. Yoga allows you to develop strength as well as flexibility, but is so gentle it can be practiced by anyone at any age.
Finally, at the end of a long, hard day, the herb valerian (with care) can be used as a natural sleeping aid. Studies show that valerian contains tranquilizing and sedative properties similar to those of commercial sleep aids. It promotes relaxation while helping to overcome insomnia, anxiety and headaches. It can be used to a tea or a tincture.
Your company is having a meeting with potential clients and you want to make sure everything is all set for their office visit. You've brought in donuts and coffee, and the conference room is looking good. However, you still think something may be missing to ensure the sale goes through the way you want it.
Enter the essence of aromatherapy. Essential oils have been used since ancient Egyptian times to enhance their surroundings and promote healing. The use of essential oils to set the mood has long been used by individuals to wind down in the evening or to create a relaxing atmosphere. Now more companies are turning to aromatherapy to increase worker productivity and the general feeling of well-being in the office.
Research has been carried out into the subject of scents and perfumes and the effect these have on the human mind. I say "scents and perfumes" as much of the work revolves around the Olefactory system and the effect on the brain. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to prescribed formulation in order to allay a specific condition or set of conditions. As said elsewhere on this site, you can have essential oils without aromatherapy but you cannot have aromatherapy without essential oils. What applies to scents and perfumes applies to aromatherapy. The discipline of aromatherapy is to target a specific scent (or essential oil) to a specific condition.