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Skincare with Mene and Moy

Skincare with Mene and Moy

Choosing Your Skin Care Routine with Mene and Moy

This is not intended, nor is it, a comprehensive regieme to cover all the Mene and Moy products. Indeed, some of the products mentioned here are from other ranges. It is intended to give a basic idea of which products from the range may suit you best and may also form the building blocks for your skin care routine.

Whilst most skin in the UK and central Europe belongs to the resilient, non-pigmenting Group 1, many individuals have skin that is delicate and pigments easily in response to trauma, UV light, etc.

This second group, Group 2, pigmenting skin, requires gentleness and patience and too strong a programme may damage the skin. Many skin care programmes ignore this important classification but I believe that it is essential if you are to achieve the best results.

On a world-wide basis, there are far more skins that are delicate and prone to abnormal pigmentation. If you are in doubt about your skin type, err on the side of caution and classify yourself as in the delicate pigmenting, Group2.

Major Skin Group 1:

This group of skin does not pigment abnormally in response to trauma, UV light, hormones or stress. Pigmentation acquired from UV light is uniform, viewed as attractive and a normal response to UV exposure (i.e. a sun-tan). It fades naturally and leaves no marks. This type of skin is normally white or olive.

Major Skin Group 2:

Skin that pigments (scars) abnormally, irregularly with even minor trauma, UV light, hormones or stress, and fails to fade quickly is delicate, abnormally pigmenting skin.

This is the most important aspect of your skin type to appreciate. You fall into this group if your skin leaves pigmented marks on your face or body under the following conditions:

  1. Melasma, chloasma - symmetrical pigmented marking on the face, sometimes associated with pregnancy, sun exposure, use of oestrogens in the contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy.
  2. Dark skin, mostly Asian, African, some Mediterranean.Cuts, spots, scratches and burns leave dark marks that take months to fade, if at all.
  3. Oriental skin. Pigmentation appears early on the cheeks. Cuts, spots, scratches and burns leave that take months to fade, if at all.
  4. Mixed parental of any of the already mentioned skin types.
  5. Sun exposure. Sun damage can affect the melanocytes, the pigment-making cells, even in white skin. Cuts, spots, scrathes that take months to fade, if at all.

Skin Group 1 : Resilient Skin

Young, perfect skin

You are less than 35 years of age, of any skin colour. You have not exposed your skin to excessive UV light. Your skin is perfect, line free. You have no problems with abnormal pigmentation. Your skin does not need any make-up, powder or base. You would like to keep it that way. At this point your skin requires only hydration, nutrition and protection from UV light to keep it in its pristine condition.
 - Cleanser: Mene andMoy Facial Gentle Silky Cleanser
 - Day Cream: Mene & Moy Stand By Cream C5 (very mild) or Facial Lotion C20 (stronger)
 - UV protection: Mene & Moy Facial Sunblock SPF30 or Inno-Derma Sunblock SPF50
 - "Saturday Night Sparkle" Mene and Moy Facial Masque C10.

The same as mornings, omitting the sunblock

Not so perfect skin; early signs of sun-damage or smoke damage

You may be young or not so young, but have seen the sun and be showing some signs that it is catching up with you. Fine lines, especially around the eyes, some early freckles again under and around the eyes. You may smoke or have smoked. Skin not quite so spongy and youthful-looking.

Some open pores. A little make-up such as powder or foundation perfects your skin. You would to start working a bit harder on your skin.

Providing that you give up smoking and stop sun exposure (you may already have) full recovery is possible. At this point your skiin needs nutrition, hydration, protection from UV light but also the key element - repair. For this we add glycolic acid.

- Cleanser: Mene & Moy Facial Gentle Silky Cleanser or Facial Cleanser 4% Glycolic Acid
- Day Cream: Mene & Moy Facial Lotion C20
- UV protection: Mene & Moy Facial Sunblock SPF30 or Inno-Derma Sunblock SPF50
- "Saturday Night Sparkle" or weekly pick-me-up - Facial Masque C10
- Cleanser: Mene & Moy Facial Gentle Silky Cleanser or Facial Cleanser 4% Glycolic Acid
- Night Cream: Mene & Moy Facial Lotion C20 or Enhanced Cream (stronger)

Moderately sun, smoke or environmentally-damaged skin

You have seen the sun or the elements and definitely show the signs; lines and wrinkles, open pores, freckles, less bounce and elasticity in the skin. The bloom of youth has gone and the skin looks tired. You may have smoked or still smoke. Foundation is essential if you want a flawless looking skin.

You can still achieve good results at home and should see an improvement in two or three weeks. Avoid UV exposure from this point on and you will be glad in the long run. Your skin needs nutrition, hydration, protection from UV light but also the key element - repair. For this we add glycolic acid in increased quantities.

For even better results, ask your therapist about gentle glycolic acid peeling (no down time) or stronger TCA peeling with an element of time off.

- Cleanser: Mene & Moy Facial Cleanser 4% Glycolic Acid or Face & Body Cleanser15% (strongest)
- Day Cream: Mene & Moy Facial Lotion C20 or Dermaceutic Hyal Ceutic
- UV protection: Mene & Moy Facial Sunblock SPF30 or Inno-Derma Sunblock SPF50
- Weekly boost: Mene & Moy Glycolic Acid Mask 10%
- Cleanser: Mene & Moy Facial Cleanser 4% Glycolic Acid or Face & Body Cleanser15% (strongest)
- Night Cream: Mene & Moy Enhanced Cream or Dermaceutic Dermalift 5

Severely sun, smoke or environmentally-damaged skin

There is no doubt that you have enjoyed the sun. Perhaps you smoke or have done. There are lines, wrinkles, open pores, surface irregularities such as red veins, pigmentation marks, sun spots. The texture is open and tired. The colour is grey-yellow. Make-up such as powder and foundation is no longer of benefit, sitting in the lines and accentuating the problem.

You can still achieve results at home and should see an improvement in three to four weeks. Sometimes the creams make the skin worse before better, the skin becoming dry and irritable. Persevere and this will settle or add a gentle moisturiser (Mene and Moy Standby Cream C5 or SkinRenu Wrinkle Reducing Formula) on top. Avoid UV exposure from this point on. Stop smoking (or at least, try to).

You will benefit from asking your therapist to help you to develope your skin care, ask about TCA peeling with an element of time off. Otherwise, go slowly with gentle Glycolic Acid or Mene and Moy Alpha & Beta Complex Gel peeling.

- Cleanser: Mene and Moy Facial Cleanser 4% Glycolic Acid or Face & Body Cleanser15% (strongest) - Day Cream: Mene & Moy Facial Lotion C20 plus SkinRenu Wrinkle Reducing Formula (for very dry skin) or Dermaceutic C25 Cream.
- UV protection: Mene & Moy Facial Sunblock SPF30 or Inno-Derma Sunblock SPF50
- Weekly treatment: Mene & Moy Glycolic Acid Mask 10%
- Cleanser: Mene & Moy Facial Cleanser 4% Glycolic Acid or Face & Body Cleanser15% (strongest)
- Night Cream: Mene & Moy Enhanced Cream or Mene and Moy Advanced Cream (strongest)